Today another of this winter´s countless gales blasted the coastline of
Kerry. This time I took my (hopefully) spray-proof camera down to
St. Finian´s Bay, Kerry and the nearby little harbour with its slipway and pier. The sea was covered with white foam and the usually sandy beach looked like a giant cream pot had been emptied over it. I finished my excursion wit a visit to
Ballinskelligs strand with its castle, the
McCarthy Mór Tower House.
Huge waves keep rolling into the narrow inlay of St. Finian´s Bay harbour |
Foam covers the waves rolling in |
For a short moment, a bit of blue sky allows a view of Skellig Rock on the horizon |
A young seal is seeking shelter and rest from the rough sea where the inlet merges into grassland |
Salty foam covers the shoreline of St. Finian´s Bay, Kerry | | | | | | |
Rocks in the white whirl of St. Finian´s Bay |
Creamy rollers come in on the shore of St. Finian´s Bay |
Road and paths along the shore a covered in creamy foam |
Ballinskelligs Castle, the McCarthy Mór Tower House is sprayed from the braking waves |
Beautiful photographs of my favourite place on Earth. Thank you. @dee4everaloe @dee4candles