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How to blog and be found by search engines
I am trying to figure out what can be done to blog on the South Kerry Camera Club blog in a way that contents can be found by internet search engines.
Although the blog itself comes up when you google "south kerry camera club" it still does not when you google the contents.
I know it is a blog about photography but unfortunately search engines do not find photos unless they have a (text) name and not only a number or they have a caption with the photo (if you click on a photo after uploading blogger asks you about size, position and whether you want to add a caption) – so yes, add a caption even when it seems obvious to us whats on the photo and think in terms of what would other people google.
So, for example, if you have a photo of a puffin and your photo has the file number 1234.jpg,
rename the photo to puffin1234.jpg or puffin.jpg upload it and give a caption then, e.g. Puffin in South Kerry or Puffin on Skellig Michael.
Also always write some text with each blog article, have a headline which reflects the photos to come, e.g. "Puffins are breeding again on..." and in the first sentence of your article repeat those search words "on my last trip to ... i captured these little puffins, which are breeding...."
What seems to be a lot of obvious repetition is exactly what a search engine needs to crawl through millions of bits of information on the internet, but now, somebody who is searching for information about puffins has a good chance to be led to your article and photos about puffins...
(When you look at the beginning of my article you can see the repetitions underlined or in italics.)
About the tag business, I am not so sure I would give this article the tag puffin, unless there were more of those articles to come, seeing that there is a tag birds already I would just click on that and add one more bird...
(You might have noticed I tidied up the tags a little, if it gets too much nobody will look there, I think.)
- Link to other content
Links are supposed to be very good for rising in the search ratings, if you want to direct the search to your own blog you should link to some content in your blog, maybe there was an article about birds or puffins earlier, find the article, copy the url in the adress bar, write "...see also my/or somebody elses article about puffins...", mark that, click on the link sign and paste your copied adress.
Links are good for the blog or ebsite receiving it not the sender, so try and stay within the blog or link from outside to the blog if you can.
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